01706 812947

Rochdale Road, Walsden, Todmorden OL14 6RR


School governors

We are a group of individuals taken from a variety of backgrounds who have been elected or appointed to the Governing Body of the school.

  • Foundation Governors. These are appointed by the Anglican Diocese the school is in, in our case the Diocese of Leeds.
  • The Diocese Board of education appoints on the Nomination of the local church's parish council. Normally one of these governors is the vicar and the other is a member of the church or community the church chooses. If there is no vicar then the Diocesan officers can nominate a suitable person, if they feel that it is useful.
  • The Headteacher is an ex-officio member of the Governing Body due to this role in a school.
  • Parent Governors are elected by ballot from the parents of children currently attending the school.
  • LA Governors are appointed by Calderdale Local Authority.
  • Staff Governors are elected by ballot from the staff currently employed by the school.

Governors usually serve for a term of 4 years before requiring reappointment or re-election. Ex-officio members are permanent members of the Governing Body and do not have a fixed 'term of office.


Mark Johnston

Foundation Governor

Sarah Kinderman

LA Governor 


Leanne Marrow

Co-opted Governor

Emma Fielden

Co-opted Governor

Helen Moules

Co-opted Governor

Janet Spooner

Staff Governor

Gill Waller

Parent Governor

Penny Bennett

Co-opted Governor

Emma Crowther/Esther Logue

Headteacher (ex officio)

Katie Shackleton

Co-opted Governor

Diane Madden

Parent Governor

Catherine Shelley

Foundation governor


What do we do?

We are responsible for ensuring the school delivers the education of the children in its care to recognised standards and that the resources available (human, financial , physical ) are used in the most effective manner. We formulate and approve policies to ensure standards are met and that the school environment is a safe place for teaching and learning to take place for the whole school community.

Governors take on different roles within the Governing body as decided at their meetings. These can be as chair of committee to curriculum link officers. The post of Chair of governors and Vice- Chair are chosen at the first full Governing Body meeting of the Autumn Term.

Chair of Governors    Mrs L. Marrow

Vice-Chair                  Mrs S. Kinderman

Chair of Resources    Mr M. Johnston

Chair of standards and effectiveness   Mrs H. Moules


Subject Areas

Link Governor

Special Educational Needs

Mrs H. Moules

Children Look After (CLA)

Mrs L. Marrow

Safeguarding/Child Protection

Mrs L. Marrow

Health and Safety

Mrs P. Price

Governor development

Mrs H. Moules


Mrs K. Shackleton


Mr M. Johnston


Mr M. Johnston


Safer Recruitment Governors (trained):

Mrs E. Crowther

Mrs E. Logue


Governor login - office 365

Governor login


Gov attendance 2023-2024