01706 812947

Rochdale Road, Walsden, Todmorden OL14 6RR


School Dinners

Our school meal supplier is Todmorden CE Primary School.  They hold a 5 star hygiene rating  (2022). and provide a variety of healthy and tasty meals.  Menus are available below.  The cost is £12.25 per week (juniors only). All infant children are entitled to a Universal free school meal.  Dietary requirements are catered for; please get in touch with school.

School dinner menus

Week 1

Week 2


Healthy Lunch Boxes 

A majority of children have school dinners but for children who have packed lunches we ask that they don’t bring fizzy drinks, chocolate bars or sweets in their packed lunches and please ensure your child’s lunch is healthy and varied. Please also ensure that your child's packed lunch contains no NUTS (such as peanut butter, nutella or cereal bars) as we have children in school with severe nut allergies.

Thank you.